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Monday, August 17, 2015

अब 'हैश लिस्ट' से बंद होंगी चाइल्ड पॉर्नोग्राफी वेबसाइट्स

Monday, August 17, 2015 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

इंटरनेट के सबसे खतरनाक पहलू चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफी पर अंकुश लगाने के लिए तकनीक‍ क्षेत्र की बड़ी कंपनियों ने साझे प्रयासों को अंजाम देना शुरु कर दिया है। इन प्रयासों के अंतरगत ही चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफिक तस्वीरों की ए‍क "हैश लिस्ट" तैयार की गई है।

'हैश लिस्ट' बच्चों के यौन शोषण से जुड़ी तस्वीरों का एक डाटा बेस है जिसे इन्टरनेट वाच फाउंडेशन द्वारा विभिन्न प्रक्रियाओं की मदद से तैयार किया गया है।

कैसे काम करती है यह हैश लिस्ट?

प्रत्येक इमेज को एक उच्च विश्लेषक के द्वारा आकलित किए जाने के साथ ही "डिजिटल फिंगरप्रिंट" (हैश वैल्यू के नाम से भी जाना जाता है) से नामांकित किया गया है। यह एक अनोखा कोड है जिसे अल्गोरिदम्स की मदद से बनाया गया है।

आम बोलचाल की भाषा में कहा जाए तो यह विभिन्न वस्तुओं के लिए निर्धारित बारकोड की तरह है जो कि एक यूनिक आइडेंटिफिकेशन नंबर होता है. इन हैश वैल्यूज को विश्व की बड़ी कंपनियों द्वारा अपने सिस्टमों में चलाकर तत्काल रूप से चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफिक तस्वीरों को पहचान कर हटा दिया जाता है।

अच्छी बात यह है कि यह हैश वैल्यू तस्वीर को कितनी ही बार अलग-अलग नाम और साइज में अपलोड किए जाने के बाद भी समान ही रहती है।

इसका सही मतलब यह है कि अगर कोई जानबूझ कर फेसबुक या ट्विटर पर अलग अलग साइज की एक ही इमेज को शेयर करता है तो यह हैश वैल्यू अपने आप उन सभी तस्वीरों को पहचान कर हटा देगा।

अंग्रेजी अखबार द टेलिग्राफ की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार चाइल्ड पोर्नोग्राफी रोकने के लिए यह हैश‍िंग तकनीक गूगल ने बनाई है जिसे अब सभी बड़ी टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनियों द्वारा प्रयोग में लाया जाएगा। इंटरनेट वॉच फाउंडेशन के अनुसार जल्द ही सभी कंपनियां इस हैश‍िंग तकनीक को यूज कर पाएंगी।
- सुसी हर्ग्रेअवेस (मुख्य कार्यकारी - इन्टरनेट वाच फाउंडेशन)

IWF की हैश लिस्ट एक आमूलचूल परिवर्तन ला सकती है। इससे बच्चों के यौन शोषण से जुड़ी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट पर आने से रोकने के लिए लड़ी जा रही लड़ाई को मदद मिलेगी।

इसका मतलब है कि पीड़ित की तस्वीरों को पहचान कर तत्काल रूप से इंटरनेट से डिलीट किया जा सकेगा। इसके साथ ही बाल यौन शोषण से जुड़ी तस्वीरों को इंटरनेट पर आने से रोका भी जा सकेगा।

गूगल द्वारा बनाई 'हैश लिस्ट' जैसी ही एक तकनीक को पहले से ड्रॉपबॉक्स और खुद गूगल द्वारा प्रयोग किया जा रहा है जिससे यूजर्स को कॉपीराइट-प्रोटेक्टेड तस्वीरों को संग्रहित करने और शेयर करने से रोका जाता है।

हालांकि ऐसा पहली बार हो रहा है जब तकनीक की मदद से चाइल्ड पॉर्न को रोका जाएगा।

IWF ने कहा है कि बहुत सारी इंटरनेट कंपनियां हैश लिस्ट का प्रयोग कर सकती हैं। इनमें वे सभी कंपनियां भी शामिल हैं जो अपलोड, स्टोरेज या सर्च ऑफ़ इमेजेज, फ़िल्टरिंग सर्विसेज, होस्टिंग सर्विसेस, सोशल मीडिया और चैट सर्विसेज उपलब्ध कराती हैं।

इंटरनेट वॉच फाउंडेशन हैश लिस्ट को नियमित तौर पर अपडेट कर रहा है और इसका लक्ष्य प्रतिदिन के हिसाब से 500 वेबसाइटें ब्लॉक करना है।

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Top Android application to crack government examination

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 - by Anonymous · - 0 Comments

Research has been revealed that since smartphone came our 60% time has been spending over using smartphone. This doesn't matter for a person who has job but for the competitive examination aspirants does it not matter a lot, it does. Since we can't change our habit in a single day so why can't we change our way using smartphone in such a manner that will not only save our time but also enhance our knowledge so that we can beat competition while using our smartphone. Therefore, I made a list of top three android applications which will have proven successful in getting your selection.
1- Daily Current Affairs and GK:

    This app envisages all current topic like national and international events, national and international economic issues, new program launched by government and world's well known organization, days and dates of national and international significance, new appointments national and international importance, death, awards, sports news and above all contain previous year questions that had been asked in various competitive examination and have possibility can be asked in upcoming examination.
    By this app you can check your progress while making strength in current affairs. In this app you can see even previous month hot topic that can be questioned in forthcoming examinations. So in this way it will be very helpful and help you to store current information in your mind better and faster than ever.

2- Reasoning:

   Reasoning can be your boon to crack competitive exam if you have practise in it but if not then it must be proven your bane. This app can figure you out from this very problem. In this app two sections of verbal and non-verbal reasoning have been given and after selecting your choice a question will be present before you if you solve this question, it's very good but unfortunately if you are not than don't worry explanation has been given to you which is the best part of this app. Here you can check your daily score and check your improvement.

3- Marriam Webster Dictionary: 

This dictionary will help you a lot because it does not only show synonym but also reveals origination of that word. It shows antonym and uses of that word which is quite impressive feature of this dictionary. It includes more than one million english words. Here you can check your pronunciation of any word and can be a fluent speaker in english within just a few months. 

Guide to Buy Best feature Smartphone under 7,999 Rs

- by Anonymous · - 0 Comments

There are many smartphones releasing everyday in Indian market and it becomes difficult for a buyer to figure out which smartphone suits him best within his pocket money . But there is no need to be worry about it. Here I am giving you some tips to buy smartphone below 7,999 Rs. Some points have been given below that you must not ignore before buying any smartphone.

Platform: The first thing you have to decide is which smartphone you want to buy whether it is running on android, windows or iOS. Here in this range you can't buy iOS. So you have only two options left the first is Android- Android has a special feature and it has the biggest share in smartphone world about 81 % . Its android store which feature with more than million application must enhance your way to use your smartphone in daily activities. On the other hand windows based Microsoft smartphone are still in trends also. Buying this quality product because it support all windows features that you use in your laptop and PC. The windows applications like MS Office, Skype, Outlook, Office Picture Manager etc.are best operated  in this smartphone. So you  can consider this product  you use windows and its software professionally along with more exciting features it has.

Processor:  The next thing you should know about the processor of your smartphone that you want to buy.
The better the processor will be, the more you will not frustrate with phone's hang based problem. In this range you can consider those phone which have 1GHz quad core processor or more. Many phones launched recently like Moto E(2nd generation), HTC desire 210, Microsoft Lumia 520, Samsung Galaxy S duos 2 S7582, Sony Xperia E1 dual have come out with this feature.

Operating System: Next you must be focus on OS. Android has launched its latest operating system Android 5.0 which supports many application and it has changed the font style, color, icon and many more than the previous ones. So make sure before buying android device it is running on 5.0 or it can be updatable to 5.0 and next that will come in future. In Windows Phone your choice must be 8.1 RT which may be updatable to windows 10, a latest operating system going to release worldwide on 29 july.

Dimension: This section is matter a lot when you are making preferences to buy smartphone. Your preference should be one which has big screen upto 4.5 to 5.0 inch,average width so that your smartphone come in your palm easily and it must be sleek. The very next thing you must consider is its weight. The weight of phone must not exceed beyond 170 gm. The Lighter the phone is, It will be easier to carry it.

Storage Capacity: A preference should be given to that phone which have 1GB Random Access Memory (RAM) or more and at least 4 GB internal storage which can be expandable to 32 GB through external SD card. Higher the internal storage you have you can install many application and the capacity of your RAM allows you to run many application at the same time without being hanged.

Camera: Camera quality must be cool and can give you a best shoot in any situation whether day or night. Therefore, You must prefer to that phone which have at least 5 Megapixel rear camera and 1 Megapixel front camera so that you can click your selfie with your friend at one instant and make HQ video of your life precious moment with your family and friends.

Battery: Your choice must be minimum 2100mAH battery which can provide you at least 10 hours talktime and above 450 hours standby time. So if your phone has this kind battery capacity then you will not bother about battery problem while watching movie or surfing on internet.

Other Features: The other features you can consider is Bluetooth version 4.0, Wifi, GPS, PDF viewer, Accelerometer, Hydrometer, Google Maps, Voice translator etc.

I think you are quite satisfied but if you are not then please ask your queries and i will definitely provide you a solution of your problem.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Government Soon to publish its Report on Net Neutrality

Monday, June 22, 2015 - by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Government is likely to publish its report on net neutrality issue in coming weeks. This report will be carrying the new guidelines for the regulation of internet in India. In the real terms, it is going to shape the future of Indian internet forever. If we look at government’s vocal support towards this issue then it has always supported the demands of internet activists. But the official report will show how government has worked to keep internet availability equal for everyone.
The Future Shaping Report
A person close to the matter has given indication that a panel has taken the views of all the stakeholders and sent them to the telecom ministry. Now, it is a matter of weeks when the report will be out in public. It is supposed to back the government’s stand on the issue of net neutrality. Adding this, this report will also make it clear whether the government supports zero internet plans or neutrality of internet.

Big Players Might Lose

Government’s open support to net neutrality is hinting that the upcoming report will ambitious plans of big telecom operators like Airtel, Reliance and Vodafone. There are also chances that the government will make sure that the report doesn’t cause instability in existing internet ecosystem of India. Airtel had launched Zero Internet Scheme that allows big internet companies to pay directly to Airtel and give free access to their customers. It included India’s biggest e-commerce company Flipkart. Seeing an uproar in digital world, Flipkart stepped back. But there are some companies who are still hopeful to change the way internet is being used in India. The upcoming report will set new guidelines to pass necessary laws to regulate internet in India.

Xolo unveiled Cube 5.0 with Android lollipop at just 7999

- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

A prominent smartphone manufacturing company Xolo unveiled its new high quality smartphone  Xolo Cube 5.0 at just 7,999 Rs in Indian market. It is smarter than any other mid range smartphones in this price range. As per the features, it seems to stand at first choice to buy because of fulfilling  all the expectations of mid range buyers.

Operating System: Xolo Cube 5.0 has latest Android 5.0 Lollipop OS which comes out with more exciting feature than the previous one. This phone offers you 8GB internal storage capacity which can be expandable upto 32 GB for which external card slot has been given.

Processor: it is empowered with (Mediatech 6582) 1.3 GHz quad core processor, Mali 400 GPU and 1GB RAM.

Display: Its 5.0 inch display is awesome and gives you 1080*720 pixels which in turn must enhance your experience in your routine life. By this you can click good picture and shoot HD video and makes your life fun.

Design: It is designed to make user feel cool and comfortable when he grabs it in his hand. It is only 6.9 mm thick which sounds pretty well with 143*71*6.9mm dimension.

Camera and Video quality: This phone has 2.0 Megapixel front camera and 8.0 Megapixel rear camera fully supported with HD recording. Its additional features are Face recognizing, panorama, burst shot , voice capturing capabilities and like more.

Battery: It is empowered with 2100 mAH battery which gives you 466 hours standby time and 11 hours talk time on 3G networks.

Other Features: It has Bluetooth version 4.0 , USB 2.0 port, WiFi.

Price: You can buy it at just 7,999 Rs. This price seems reasonable for this quality product in this price range. So, if you have been waiting for an exciting phone for long time then the wait is over. Please don’t  think just buy it. Assuredly it gives you a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment.

Oukitel launching massive 10000mAh battery Smartphone

- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Chinese electronics maker Oukitel has made official announcements for its massive 10000mAh battery Smartphone. This is supposed to change the way Smartphone users take their batteries. With natural evolution of telecommunication devices, the display screens have gone bigger in size as well as resolution. Adding this, Smartphone operating systems like android demands huge amount of power to run its operations without frequent lagging. It makes people keeping their devices plugged in with their power sockets. But this Chinese manufacturer has announced to launch a Smartphone device with a massive 10000mAh batteries.
How battery will be a deal breaker?
If you have ever gone to buy a smartphone then you would agree that people check features that matters most in their smartphone experiences. These features include camera quality, storage capacity, task processing speed and screen resolution but avoid looking at the battery capacity. I assume more serious type buyers read whole specifications and checkout the capacity of battery. Normal smartphones give batteries from minimum 1500mAh to maximum 3500mAh maximum. So, they just stop enquiring more about the battery because there are limited options. But when there will be a phone that will have three times larger battery with similar or possibly better features, people will probably give that device a try. Here Oukitel’s new 10000mAh battery phone will beat its rivals.
Other features that will steal the show

The company has not released detailed specifications of the upcoming device. But it is supposed to be loaded with android’s latest OS lollipop. The screen size and resolution can be of top grade as there is enough battery to support the energy demands. The pricing of this device has also not been released yet. So, just wait for the day when it enters in Indian market.

How to fix "Insufficient Storage Available" in your android phone

- by Unknown · - 0 Comments

Are you trying to install a new app in your phone and seeing this message (check picture)

Well then, you just need to chill out because it’s a very easy thing to fix. In my case, it looked like a confusing problem. I searched the web for solutions and found lots of posts suggesting installing few apps to clear the cache storage from phone. But the key problem still persisted; how could I download the suggested app when my phone wasn’t allowing me to do so. It caused real frustration.

In such a situation, I asked my sister to download app cache cleaning app for me. She did as I wished and gave me the downloaded app via ShareIta file sharing app's apk. I installed that instantly and then deleted all the cache stuff.

Once the deletion process was done, my smartphone was running as usual. I downloaded three apps from Google play store.

But in case, you do not have someone who can give you the apk of cache cleaning app then try these steps.

Step 1 – Go to settings

Step 2 – Touch the Storage tab

Step 3 – Clear the cache, unwanted music files, pictures, videos and everything unwanted thing to make some room for the cache cleaning app.

Step 4 – Download the cache cleaning app from Google Play Store and clean all the hidden cache data from your device.

Step 5 – Now switch off your device and just switch on.

Congratulations! Your problem has been fixed.


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